Gray Puksand were engaged by Queensland Health to design a new purpose built building to house the clinical services of the Charleville Hospital + St George Hospital.

Both buildings comprises a 60sqm operating theatre, pre and post-operative holding bays, birthing suite, central bulk stores clean and sterile store department, and associated clinical and building services areas.

Met with the challenges of a remote locale together with the necessity for the building to be of the standards expected to deliver tertiary clinical services the design approach looked to utilise a Design for Manufacturing and Assembly DfMA methodology.

Locating the building services on a mezzanine level above the functional footprint below yielded a compact footprint and an economy to the building design.

The design also considered the connection of existing clinical services and the provisions for care through a fully enclosed walkway to the existing clinical services building.

The building form reflected the context of the regional location through the simplified building form and materials and looked to collaborate with local indigenous artists to create an indelible integrated art piece to the building fabric.

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