Providing secondary students in the local region access to contemporary and integrated technical and trade base practical skills.


Southern Peninsula Trade Training Centre required a truly collaborative approach to the briefing, planning and design of their new Technical Education and Trade Training Centre. It was envisaged to build on and extend the school’s existing specialist curriculum offer, in addition to providing contemporary, agile, large format working spaces that would respond to regional skills training needs.


An accessible and flexible facility was envisaged at the outset, with a strong emphasis on showcasing pathways for secondary students into a variety of vocational areas, in addition to encouraging higher levels of female student participation, into what have traditionally been more male oriented domains.


Through establishing a central open design and project studio at the heart of the new centre, with a series of collocated independent and small group based spaces, the trade and specialist areas were able to be supported with extended and complementary learning opportunities, whether they be creative, theory or practice based.


A robust palette of materials used throughout is in response to the natural context of the site and is sympathetic to local indigenous heritage.

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