A sculptural tower provides views over surrounding areas while at the lower levels the architecture responds to the context of the local precinct.


The site, with frontages located to both Church Street and Kingston Street, offers a unique opportunity for a design response that bridges the gap between the finer grain and culturally rich, suburb of Richmond and the newer sophisticated developments of future Church Street.

The site is well served by public transport routes and is well connected to various cycling and walking networks, as well as civic spaces making it an ideal site for a premium office building that is healthy, connected and responds to Richmond’s growing social community.

The proposal is a sophisticated and contextual 11-storey commercial building, that is  both elegant and engaging.

The project aspires to create a ground plane with integrated and active street frontages that are an extension of the public realm, with lane way access that is generous and safe for pedestrians and cyclists. The people friendly street-scape is proposed to house quality retail and hospitality offerings for the enjoyment of tenants and visitors from the surrounding precinct.

The architectural expression of the podium is articulated to complement the scale of the surrounding urban fabric. The building is respectful to it’s context with rhythm and materiality that is crafted and enduring – reminiscent of the historical single residential and light industrial buildings that still exist within the neighbourhood.

The podium is topped with generous landscaping and terraces where tenants can gather, socialise and enjoy nature within the building. Fundamental to the current world  climate, is the provision of spaces that promote health and well-being and the idea of ‘Healthy Building’ has played an integral role in the design of 525 Church Street. We understand that the built environment and the performance of buildings can have an impact as to the mental and physical well-being of it’s inhabitants.

As part of the well-being story, the  upper levels of the building are set back from the neighbouring boundaries to maximise views and access to light for tenants.

525 Church Street, provides a holistic design approach that leverages its rich cultural position and will contribute towards an urban strategy for Richmond that is unique, innovate and contemporary.

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