At Gray Puksand, we place people first, we build on knowledge, we lead through design and deliver real change.
We’re proud to make a meaningful contribution. It’s been a hallmark of our practice for over 30 years, and it’s our legacy.
Peoples First
Our design is human centred. Our culture has people at the heart. We value diversity and inclusion in our people. Our work is an authentic representation of our diverse staff, and a response to the needs of our clients drawn from empathy. We seek to improve experiences, both in the way we craft spaces for working, learning and living, and in the way we work together as a practice.
We place people first.
Collective intelligence
The vast and collective intelligence of our people is woven through the fabric of our multidisciplinary practice, binding every element of the work we do with insight, experience, research and rigour. We also acknowledge that we are constantly learning. Each project is an opportunity to unlock new ways of thinking, and to build on our knowledge in key sectors through our culture of open collaboration.
We build on knowledge.
Leading Design
Our award-winning designs not only fulfill the brief of our clients, but our own desire to transform. Our curiosity, creativity and relentless conviction to always do better defines our craft. In transforming spaces, we evolve the story of architecture itself, challenging the status quo and proudly pioneering a future that is smarter and more sustainable for all.
We lead through design.
Inspiring Outcomes
We are known for being trusted and transparent. We balance creativity with certainty. Client focused. Community focused. Outcome focused. Our work delivers real change, keeping user experience at the heart, and proudly making a difference.
We deliver real change.
Urban Developer, Excellence in Design Innovation + Commercial Innovation, Shortlisted
LEA Victoria / Tasmania Awards, New Educational Campus, Commendation
Victorian School Design Awards Best School Project Above $10M, Winner
Corinda State High School Research + Innovation Centre
LEA Queensland Awards, New Facility, Large, Winner
LEA Excellence in Education Facility Design Awards, Renovation / Modernisation under $5M, Winner
RISE at 101 Collins Street
INDE - The Wellness Space, Shortlist
William Angliss Institute
LEA- Renovation/Modernistaion under $15m, Commendation
Wyndham Tech School
Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Victoria Chapter Education Facility Planning Awards, New Individual Facility Over $8M, Winner
Victorian School Design Awards, Best Project above $10M, Finalist
Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Victoria Chapter Education Facility Planning Awards, Entire New Educational Facility, Commendation
Australian Institute of Architects Awards, Educational Architecture, Commendation
300 Queen Street End or Trip Facility
Polytec Design Awards Category Wellness and Health Care
Shaw Contract Design Awards, Workplace, Large Office Winner
Australian Interior Design Awards, Public Design, Shortlist Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Public Space, Finalist
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Public Space, Finalist
Gray Puksand
Australian Interior Design Awards, Workspace Design, Shortlist
Gray Puksand
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Workplace Under 1000sqm, Finalist
Kyneton Primary School
Association for Learning Environments, Victoria Chapter Awards (A4LE), New Construction/Entire New Educational Facility, Joint Winner
Kyneton Primary School
Department of Education and Training, Victorian School Design Awards, Best Primary School, Finalist
Association for Learning Environments, Victoria Chapter Awards (A4LE) Category 4: Renovation / Modernisation Over $2M, Commendation
Wyndham Tech School
Department of Education and Training, Victorian School Design Awards, Best Secondary School, Winner
Australian Post
Property Council of Australia, Innovation and Excellence Awards, Best Workspace Project, Finalist
Victoria School Design Awards, Ministerial Award for Inclusive Design Award, Winner
Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Australasian Education Facility Planning Awards, New Education Facility Construction / Entire Education Facility, Winner
NSW Master Builders Association Award, Public Buildings Award, Over $5.0M, (Enfold Projects), Winner
180 Lonsdale Street
Corian Design Awards, Edition 2, Project, Winner
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Public Space, Shortlist
Owen Dixon Chambers West
Property Council of Australia, Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation and Excellence Awards, Kone Award for Innovation, Finalist
Owen Dixon Chambers West
Property Council of Australia, Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation
Victoria Master Builders Excellence in Construction Awards, Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings $3M-$5M (Johns Lyng Commercial Builders), Special Commendation
Department of Education and Training, Victorian School Design Awards, Best School Project Above $3.5 Million, Winner
Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Victoria Chapter Education Facility Planning Awards, New Individual Facility, Winner
Master Builders Excellence in Construction Awards, Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings $3M-$5M (Johns Lyng Commercial Builders), Special Commendation
2015 - 2014
Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Victoria Chapter Education Facility Planning Awards, New Education Facility Construction / Entire Education Facility, Commendation
321 Exhibition Street
Property Council of Australia, Innovation and Excellence Awards, Rider Levett Bucknall Award for Best Sustainable Development – Existing Buildings, Victoria Finalist
Loreto College, the Archives Centre
World Architecture Festival Awards, Small Projects, Shortlist
Monash University, Law Chambers
World Interiors, Public Sector, Long Listed
Australian Interior Design Awards, Workplace Design, Shortlist
World Architecture Festival Awards, Higher Education / Research, Shortlist
Australian Institute of Architects, Victoria Chapter Awards, Public Architecture, Alterations and Additions, Shortlist
Property Council of Australia, Innovation and Excellence Awards, Rider Levett Bucknall Award for Best Sustainable Development – New Buildings, Victorian Finalist
Property Council of Australia, Innovation and Excellence Awards, Rider Levett Bucknall Award for Best Public Building, Victorian Finalist
Loreto College, the Archives Centre
Ballarat Heritage Awards, Creative / Adaptive Reuse of a Heritage Place, Finalist
Sunshine Coast Mazda
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Commercial Architecture, Shortlist
Urbis, Sydney
Australian Interior Design Awards, Workplace Design, Shortlist
Urbis, Sydney
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Workplace over 1,000sqm, Shortlist